
Information valid for Hg-201 unless otherwise noted

Basic Information

Symbol: Hg
Atomic Number: 80
Mass: 200.59
Melting Point: -38.87 C
Boiling Point: 356.58 C
Number of Protons/Electrons: 80
Number of Neutrons: 121
Classification: Transition Metal
Crystal Structure: Rhombohedral
Density @ 293 K: 13.456 g/cm3
Color: Silver

Atomic Structure

[Bohr Model of Mercury]
Number of Energy Levels: 6

  1. First Energy Level: 2
    Second Energy Level: 8
    Third Energy Level: 18
    Fourth Energy Level: 32
    Fifth Energy Level: 18
    Sixth Energy Level: 2


Isotope Half Life
Hg-194 520.0 years
Hg-196 Stable
Hg-197 2.7 days
Hg-197m 23.8 hours
Hg-198 Stable
Hg-199 Stable
Hg-200 Stable
Hg-201 Stable
Hg-202 Stable
Hg-203 46.6 days
Hg-204 Stable
Hg-206 8.2 minutes


Date of Discovery: Known to the ancients
Discoverer: Unknown
Name Origin: After the planet Mercury
Symbol Origin: From the Latin word hydrargyrum (liquid silver)
Uses: thermometers, barometers, fluorescent lamps, batteries
Obtained From: cinnabar ore

Related Links

Note: The external links below are not a part of this site and their content is not the responsibility of this site

  1. Mercury: Friend or Foe?
  2. HHMI Laboratory Safety: Mercury