
Information valid for Li-7 unless otherwise noted

Basic Information

Symbol: Li
Atomic Number: 3
Mass: 6.941
Melting Point: 180.54 C
Boiling Point: 1347.0 C
Number of Protons/Electrons: 3
Number of Neutrons: 4
Classification: Alkali Metal
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 0.53 g/cm3
Color: silvery

Atomic Structure

[Bohr Model of Lithium]
Number of Energy Levels: 2

  1. First Energy Level: 2
    Second Energy Level: 1


Isotope Half Life
Li-6 Stable
Li-7 Stable


Date of Discovery: 1817
Discoverer: Johann Arfvedson
Name Origin: From the Greek word lithos (stone)
Uses: batteries, ceramics, lubricants
Obtained From: passing electric charge through melted lithium chloride, spodumene