
Information valid for N-14 unless otherwise noted

Basic Information

Symbol: N
Atomic Number: 7
Mass: 14.00674
Melting Point: -209.9 C
Boiling Point: -195.8 C
Number of Protons/Electrons: 7
Number of Neutrons: 7
Classification: Non-metal
Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
Density @ 293 K: 1.2506 g/cm3
Color: colorless

Atomic Structure

[Bohr Model of Nitrogen]
Number of Energy Levels: 2

  1. First Energy Level: 2
    Second Energy Level: 5


Isotope Half Life
N-13 9.97 minutes
N-14 Stable
N-15 Stable
N-16 7.13 seconds


Date of Discovery: 1772
Discoverer: Daniel Rutherford
Name Origin: Greek
Uses: forms most of atmosphere
Obtained From: from liquid air